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Walking for better health

Walking for better health

3rd April 2017

Have you done 10,000 steps today?

Move more. Don’t sit. Exercise regularly. Lift weights. Do yoga. Don’t snack.

We so often hear these phrases thrown around us; in social media, on television, from our doctors, from our friends, in magazines, on billboards – it’s everywhere. As the obesity numbers continue to increase in Australia, we are starting to see a rise in the number of people exercising and trying to maintain a healthy weight.

But for some it can be overwhelming and confusing. That’s where walking comes in. Simply walking. One of the first things we learn to do as young children and continue to do, as we grow old.

Walking is a wonderful form of exercise and it is easy to incorporate more of it in to our daily lives.

10,000 steps a day has been identified as the number we need to achieve to improve health and below are listed ways of varying your day to try to achieve this:

  • Take the stairs
  • Get off one train or tram stop earlier and walk the rest of the way to school/work/the shops
  • Park your car further away
  • Catch up with friends for a walk
  • Walk to the gym instead of drive

The health benefits of walking are plentiful:

  • Weight bearing exercise as you are carrying your own body weight
  • Improve cardiovascular fitness
  • Reduce risk of heart disease/attack or stroke
  • Decrease body fat
  • Improved mental alertness
  • Stronger bones
  • Improved balance

So come on – lets walk, walk, walk… And reap the benefits!

NB: Wear a pedometer daily to keep tabs on yourself

This article is for information purposes only. Please consult your Osteopath or primary healthcare professional for further information.