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7 ways to get your body ready for summer

7 ways to get your body ready for summer

23rd October 2018

The weather is finally warming up and we need to get our minds and bodies out of their winter hibernation. We share our 7 ways to get your body ready for summer so you can have a wonderful summer season.

1. Increase your Vitamin D

At the end of a long winter, our vitamin D levels can be lowered. Make sure you sit outside in the sun for 20 minutes a day in the early morning or late afternoon (when the UV is not at its highest) to help replenish your levels.

2. Get your body moving

It’s common for activity levels to drop over the cooler months. Why not catch your rays while going for a walk? Melbourne is full of beauty at this time of year. Go for a walk around the local streets and parks, head to the 1000 stepsgo for a jog at the tan, or perhaps even go for a stroll on the beach.

3. Don’t forget to slip, slop, slap

If you are enjoying the spring time sunshine, don’t forget your sunscreen and hat if you are out for longer than 20 minutes or out during the highest UV part of the day between 9.30am – 4.30pm.

4. Care for your mind

Self care for your mind is just as important as for your body. Incorporate daily meditation to your routine, write down your thoughts in a journal, or even sit outside and enjoy the sights and sounds of nature.

5. Keep hydrated

Good hydration is a cornerstone of good health. Be sure to get your 8 glasses of water per day. If plain water isn’t your thing, why not try sparkling water with a slice of lemon or lime and some ice. A nice herbal iced tea always hits the spot on a warm day.

6. Your body is your temple

Keep your body at its optimum potential. Whether you go to the gym, enjoy pilates or yoga, why not give something new a try? And don’t forget to visit your friendly Osteopath for any aches, pains or imbalances you may be experiencing. We are always here to help.

7. Spring clean

Give your house and wardrobe a spring clean to start the sunny season fresh and free of clutter.


Here are a few exercises to get you up and moving and ready for summer.

1. Seated quadratus lumborum (QL) and hamstring stretch

Sit on a mat and straighten one leg out to one side. Bend your other leg so that your foot rests against the inner thigh of your straight leg. Allow this knee to rest outwards. Rest your hand on your thigh of the straight leg and place your other hand gently behind your neck. Turn this elbow outwards, allowing your shoulders and chest to rotate towards it. Keeping this rotation in your body, lean sideways over your straight leg, sliding your hand down your thigh towards your foot. You should feel a stretch in the back of your straight leg, and on the opposite side of your lower trunk. Hold this position for 20 seconds and alternate sides 3 times, once daily.

Screen Shot 2018 10 17 at 5 01 28 pm Seated quadratus lumborum (QL) and hamstring stretch

2. Seated piriformis stretch

Start in a seated position. Cross your leg so that your ankle is resting on the opposite knee. Apply gentle pressure to the knee as you lean forward, increasing the depth of the stretch. Hold this position for 20 seconds and alternate sides 3 times, once daily. You should feel a comfortable tension with no pain.

Screen Shot 2018 10 17 at 2 22 02 pm Seated piriformis stretch

3. Psoas (hip flexor stretch)

Step forward into a lunge position, leaving the leg to be stretched behind. Make sure all of your toes are pointing straight forward. Lean forwards onto the front leg, driving your hips forwards and keeping your chest up. Lift your arms up close to your ears, and lean towards the side of the front leg. You will feel the stretch in the front of the hip. Hold in position for approx. 20 seconds and alternate sides 3 times, once daily.

Screen Shot 2018 10 17 at 2 21 20 pm Psoas (hip flexor stretch)

The team at Canterbury Health Hub can assist you to get ready for summer with hands on treatment and a tailored plan. We can also provide advice and education on prevention strategies for common conditions we see during the warmer months.


This article is for information purposes only. Please consult your Osteopath or primary healthcare professional for further information.