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5 ways to help a stiff neck at home

5 ways to help a stiff neck at home

8th March 2019

Ever had one of those mornings where you wake up after a very solid sleep, often on your tummy, and you realise you are unable to move your neck without pain? You think to yourself, ‘how on earth am I going to get through the day and get to the Osteo?‘. We share 5 simple tips that you can do today to help yourself before you come in to see us.

1. Have a very hot shower

You will have to get your hair wet for this shower, but it will be worth it. Get the shower as hot as you can handle it, then allow the water to run down your head and neck for several minutes. The warmth of the water will warm up your muscles and allow some gentle movement through your neck.

2. Gently move your head

Small turns of the head over your shoulder, as well as gentle nods up and down will be good for you. Overprotecting your already sore neck can lead to further spasm, so try not to be too robotic with your movement.

3. Self massage your upper traps

Massage the muscle across from your neck out to your shoulder tips with voltaren or fisiocrem. Better yet, ask a friend or partner to do it for you as they will be able to massage the area more effectively for you.

4. Be careful driving

Head-turning and checking for oncoming cars is necessary when driving. Yet, it is one of the most common things our patients tell us is difficult and causes more pain. If you can, have someone else drive you, or allow more time to get to your destination so that you can drive carefully and rotate your whole body to look for oncoming cars.

5. Drink lots of water

Adequate circulation is needed for the body to heal and can help prevent you from getting headaches associated with your neck pain. Aim to drink at least 2L of water each day.

If you find yourself with a stiff neck, the team at Canterbury Health Hub can assist you to recover from it with hands-on treatment and a tailored plan. We can also provide advice and education on prevention strategies to help prevent this from becoming a regular occurrence.


This article is for information purposes only. Please consult your Osteopath or primary healthcare professional for further information.