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5 ways to improve a sore shoulder

5 ways to improve a sore shoulder

2nd June 2019

1. Avoid sleeping on the side of the sore shoulder

When we sleep, we are like a dead weight and if you place sustained weighted pressure on your already sore shoulder, you are likely to wake up in even more pain the following morning. Aim to sleep on your back where your weight is more evenly distributed.

2. Avoid certain activities at the gym

Some activities or equipment might aggravate your sore shoulder, such as the shoulder press, chin ups and push ups. Instead, use free weights or the pulley machines and keep your arms below shoulder height while you allow your shoulder to recover. Need help modifying your exercises? The Practitioners at CHH would be happy to show you what you can do.

3. Foam roll your Thoracic spine

By using a foam roller over your thoracic spine (mid back region), your shoulders will be able to move and function better, which may aid your recovery. Ask your osteo, myo or remedial massage therapist at CHH to show you how to use a foam roller at your next appointment.

4. Apply heat

A microwavable wheat bag or a stick-on heat patch can provide some good relief and allow muscle tension to settle. Both can be purchased at our clinic, or from your local pharmacy.

5. Increase your water and fresh fruit and veg intake

The body has an incredible ability to heal itself, but it needs plenty of hydration and good quality nutrition to do so. Opt for filtered water and unprocessed whole foods that are not high in sugar or salt.

The team at Canterbury Health Hub can assist you to recover from a shoulder injury with hands-on treatment and a tailored plan. We can also provide advice and education on prevention strategies for common shoulder injuries we see during the colder months.

Book online today!

This article is for information purposes only. Please consult your CHH Practitioner or primary healthcare professional for further information.
Foot flex By using a foam roller over your thoracic spine (mid back region), your shoulders will be able to move and function better, which may aid your recovery. Ask your osteo, myo or remedial massage therapist at CHH to show you how to use a foam roller at your next appointment.