Myotherapy is currently deemed as non-essential by the Victorian Government and is a service that cannot be offered to you during this lockdown period, unless patients have a specific plan under the National Disability Insurance Scheme or Workcover.
As a result, numerous Victorians have been forced to defer care from Myotherapists, at a time when healthcare needs should be prioritised. At CHH, we understand the frustration and disappointment that this may cause, which is why we, as Myotherapists, are advocating for our patients’ needs and pushing for change.
Clinical Myotherapist, Jessica Mazurek explains the situation in greater detail below and will also inform you of what the Myotherapists are doing to advocate for you.
Are you able to answer ‘Yes’ to any of these questions?
- Have you recently and/or repeatedly been notified that your Myotherapy care has been cancelled and/or rescheduled as a result of the Victorian lockdowns?
- Have you been told “sorry, as a Myotherapist, I cannot help you during these lockdown periods as my profession is considered non-essential by the Victorian Government. However, other allied health practitioners in the same clinic can?”
- Have you had to resort to pain medication to ease the pain while you wait for your Myotherapist to be permitted by the Victorian government to return to in-person care?
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then please read on….
The Myotherapists at CHH hear you. We understand your frustration and disappointment. We are frustrated too.

What are the current rules as outlined by the Victorian Government surrounding allied health care?
As Myotherapists, we have been told by the Victorian government that Myotherapy is non-essential. With each lockdown, Myotherapists are provided with the same instructions from DHHS, as follows:
“Telehealth and other virtual care options are the only options for Myotherapists in private practice (including home-based practices). Please note, routine care is not permitted under any circumstances.”
We feel that although Telehealth may be beneficial in certain instances, it is not always an appropriate option for pain management. A large majority of the services we offer involve face-to-face assessments and hands on treatments.
Can Myotherapy be accessed in other states?
Yes! Other jurisdictions, including Queensland and New South Wales, acknowledge the key role that Myotherapy plays in the healthcare system, particularly during a healthcare crisis, adopting a broad definition of permitted healthcare services during lockdowns.
We feel that you should be able to access the same Myotherapy care that you would be entitled to in other states in Australia. Furthermore, we believe that you as Victorians should have your pain complaints heard and your desire to seek Myotherapy treatment recognised as valid and available for you to utilise at any time, including during lockdown periods if you require essential care.
What are we hoping to achieve for the Myotherapy field?
The Myotherapists at Canterbury Health Hub, Anna Pattison, Natasha Mueller, Brendon Lang and myself, would like to be allowed to provide Myotherapy services to you during lockdown periods in Victoria. But, for this occur, change needs to take place.
We believe that Myotherapy is evidence-based, safe, appropriate, and most of all essential. It is time we are recognised in this way and be provided with the same rights to provide in-person care to our patients during lockdowns. If this change can occur, you would be able to access Myotherapy services in Victoria during these lockdown periods, in the same way you can access other allied health care.

What can you do to help?
If you wish, please feel free to respond with your thoughts on this matter by sending an email directly to clinic reception,
In this email, please let us know how Myotherapy helps you, how these lockdowns have impacted your access to Myotherapy services and what this means for you. All the Myotherapists at CHH will be contacting their local representative regarding this matter as well as select parliamentarians to try to help create this change.
If you would like to personally contact any parliamentarians, please find a list below for your reference:
- Premier (Daniel Andrews) -
- Minister for Health (Martin Foley) -
- Minister for Small Business (Jaala Pulford) -
- Chief Health Officer (Brett Sutton) -
Given the strong likelihood of further snap lockdowns in Victoria in the upcoming months, we are proactively trying to make a change now for our patients, so that we have a chance of being available to provide you with Myotherapy services during future lockdowns periods.