After living through lockdowns, travel is high on everyone's agendas.
Long plane rides and car trips, pulling heavy luggage and sleeping in new beds are just a few of the reasons why people get stiff and sore when they are travelling.
Here are a few of my top tips for the upcoming travelling season!
Take the spikey ball
It’s probably under your bed. Or maybe your dog has taken a liking to it, but it’s probably still good. Make sure you take the spikey ball with you in your hand luggage for plane trips, so you can pop it against the seat of the chair against your back or neck and massage any regions that are getting tight.
After long days of walking, give your glutes and hamstrings a good stretch and then spikey ball your glute muscles to make sure you’re good to go for the days ahead.
Consider taking your pillow
If your neck regularly suffers from travelling, it can be a good idea to take your pillow from home with you. Most of them can be vac-packed to save space in your luggage and they collapse down to almost nothing.
Taking your pillow can mean a more comfortable night and better overall rest, which can help generally with any musculoskeletal pain.
Get on top of pain and stiffness before you go
The last thing that you really want when you’re on holiday is pain and tightness, so get on top of those niggles with some treatment before you head off.
We will provide hands-on manual therapy as well as give you specific exercises and stretches and other ideas specifically related to your body.
Keep moving
A lot of people actually find that their pain and stiffness goes away on their holidays because they are moving more than they usually would behind a desk.
However, this is just a friendly reminder that lying down for too long, can make lower back pain or stiffness, can definitely make it worse!
So go for a walk and see some sights, stroll along the beach, hop in the pool and have a swim around, you will probably feel a lot better afterwards!
Don’t worry about falling off the bandwagon
Holidays and travelling are usually supposed to be fun times.
So don’t worry too much if you do forget to do all your stretches or you didn’t walk enough because you spent too much time relaxing by the pool. We can get you back on track when you get back home, so just enjoy your time away!