Have you been running a lot more recently?
Trying to improve your ability to run?
Or have you been jumping a lot more often?
Are you also getting pain along the shin?
Then you may have a condition known as Medial tibial stress syndrome aka shin splints.
What are Shin Splints?
Shin splints is a condition characterised by pain and discomfort along the shin that is caused by repetitive stress. Although the cause is still unclear, it is widely thought that repetitive stress from running and jumping leads to microdamage which cannot be repaired in time and results in the development of shin splints.
Who does it affect?
This is commonly seen in more females than males between the ages of 20 and 30 years. Particularly those that run quite often such as marathon runners. Risk factors include:
- Overexerting physical capabilities
- Sudden progression in exercise programs
- Running on uneven or hard surface
- Wearing unsuitable running shoes
- Foot arch deformities
- Excessive pronation of the foot
- Uneven leg length
- Overweight individuals
Signs and symptoms
- Bilateral pain on the inner side of the tibia
- Dull and unpleasant pain
- Pain that is worse with movement and better with rest
- Pain that occurs at the start of a workout and decreases as the workout progresses
- Pain that is worse the day after a workout
- Potential radiation down into the foot
- Potential mild swelling
Treatment and management
Treatment and management of shin splints usually involves conservative measures which include stretching and strengthening of the muscles in the leg. Additionally, activity modification is also required to de-load the muscles in the leg and therefore prevent further stress. Osteopathic treatment may also be implemented to provide symptomatic relief and aid in the recovery process
If you need some more clarification on what this condition is or you may think that you have this, it may be time to head in and see one of the Osteopaths at Canterbury Health Hub. Here, the osteopaths can conduct a thorough assessment and then develop a tailored treatment and management plan for your condition.