The first 12 months after having a baby are a WHIRLWIND! Your body has just made an entire little person and undergone one of the biggest physical, hormonal, and probably emotional changes it ever will. I absolutely love seeing mums postpartum because I truly love the change that Osteopathic treatment can have on the body during this period.
Here are some of the ways that Osteo treatment can help the body after having a baby:
1. Labour
Labour is one of the most physically demanding processes your body can go through. The ligaments in your pelvis stretch during birth to allow for your pelvis and sacrum to move for the baby. This can cause pubic symphysis pain, lower back pain, and pelvic girdle pain. Osteo treatment can help resolve strains and relieve the pain and tightness associated with giving birth.
2. Breastfeeding
I remember all those hours sitting in our rocking chair at home holding and feeding my babies. Magical, but what a stress on the body! The forward-leaning posture for your mid-back, as well as the tightness that you can get through your neck, shoulders, arms, and wrists from the many hours of holding a baby. Treatment to these areas can sometimes give immediate relief, and I can give you some easy at-home strengthening and movement exercises for when it does get sore.
3. Forearm, wrist, and hand pain
A common complaint that we often see in the postpartum period is forearm, wrist, and hand pain. This one might surprise a lot of people, but it’s actually quite common to see repetitive strain injuries (RSI) in the wrists and hands in the postpartum period. It is usually caused by a combination of hormonal factors and the repetitive and increased pressure put on the joints, ligaments, and tendons from lifting and holding that cute little bundle. There are lots of Osteo techniques we can use as well as home exercises and other management we can give to address this presentation.
4. Some time for you
Just as important as the above points, sometimes it's just really important to take some time out for you! Relaxation can help decrease the stress hormone in your body. Decreasing pain and tightness can help with being able to move more, lift your baby easier, and also sleep better.
You are always welcome to bring in your baby to your treatment. My very first job as an Osteopath in 2009 was in an Obstetrics and Paediatric Osteopathic clinic, so I am absolutely used to having kids in a treatment room, and together we can juggle anything!
Looking forward to seeing you and your little one in the clinic soon.
Elle x