
Blog - canterbury

Running Related Injuries
4 November 2024

Running Related Injuries

The growth of running and running related events has skyrocketed over the years due to it being a low cost and very accessible form of physical activity. Running has been shown to help promote physical fitness and healthier lifestyles. Although running does have its benefits, it also possesses downfalls such as developing injuries and conditions which can be debilitating and can even halt physical activity. read more

Rowan Adams joins the team at CHH as an Osteopath!
9 October 2024

Rowan Adams joins the team at CHH as an Osteopath!

We're excited to announce Rowan Adams has joined the team at Canterbury Health Hub as an Osteopath! Rowan graduated from Victoria University with a Bachelor of Science (Osteopathy) and a Master of Health Science (Osteopathy). read more

Trochanteric Bursitis: a common cause of lateral hip pain
16 August 2024

Trochanteric Bursitis: a common cause of lateral hip pain

Have you been experiencing hip pain, especially on the side of your hip? Does it hurt when you sit for long periods? Or when you go up and down stairs? Does it interfere with your sleep when you sleep on your side? Then you may have a condition called trochanteric bursitis and here is everything you need to know about it. read more

Everything you need to know about Shin Splints
8 April 2024

Everything you need to know about Shin Splints

Have you been running a lot more recently? Trying to improve your ability to run? Or have you been jumping a lot more often? Are you also getting pain along the shin? Then you may have a condition known as Medial tibial stress syndrome aka shin splints. read more

What is the difference between Osteopathy and Myotherapy?
27 July 2023

What is the difference between Osteopathy and Myotherapy?

Osteopathy and Myotherapy are both manual therapies that aim to address pain and discomfort in the body, but they differ in their approach and techniques used. Osteopathy focuses on the musculoskeletal system and aims to improve the overall health and function of the body, while Myotherapy focuses on the treatment and management of musculoskeletal pain, tightness and restriction. read more

Shoulder Pain – How You Can Manage Your Injury
29 June 2023

Shoulder Pain – How You Can Manage Your Injury

Have you been experiencing shoulder pain? Do activities like lifting your arm up when putting on a top or reaching for something high up in the cupboard give you pain? Or is sleeping on your side causing pain and keeping you up at night? If you have experienced pain or discomfort in your shoulders, our experienced osteopaths at Canterbury Health Hub can help you. read more

We remain open during lockdown
9 July 2020

We remain open during lockdown

At Canterbury Health Hub, we will remain OPEN during the new 6-week lockdown period, providing all services, including Osteopathy, Myotherapy, Remedial Massage Therapy and one-on-one Pilates. Your health and wellbeing is our number one priority and we are all here to support you during these stressful times. Whether you are suffering from acute spinal pain... read more

Easy breathing exercises to help manage stress
4 June 2020

Easy breathing exercises to help manage stress

Learn these 3 easy breathing exercises to help you manage stress... read more

Working from home? Get 5 tips to help with your work station
21 April 2020

Working from home? Get 5 tips to help with your work station

With many of us forced to work remotely due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, creating an appropriate work station at home can be quite the challenge. Poor desk ergonomics may lead to painful muscle strains, joint stiffness and general tightness. Having a designated area to do your work needs to maximise productivity, and promote physical and mental wellbeing. Here are 5 tips to assist you with your work station at home. read more