
Blog - canterbury

10 ways to improve your wellbeing
24 June 2019

10 ways to improve your wellbeing

Our wellbeing includes not only our physical health but also our mental and social health as well. Wellbeing is about being both happy and healthy. We all know that sometimes life gets a little crazy and we put our own personal wellbeing to the side, leaving us feeling stressed and overwhelmed. We thought with World Wellbeing Week being celebrated from 24-28 June, we would give you our top 10 ways to improve your wellbeing to help manage your stress and make you feel a little better. read more

5 ways to improve a sore shoulder
2 June 2019

5 ways to improve a sore shoulder

Have you ever woken up with a sore shoulder and thought ‘how did that happen?’ Before you can make it in to see one of our Practitioners at CHH, you might like to do these 5 easy activities at home which could help ease the pain of your sore or injured shoulder. read more

6 ways to recover from an ankle sprain
28 April 2019

6 ways to recover from an ankle sprain

With netball and football season in full swing, a common injury at this time of year is an ankle sprain. You might still be able to walk, but it’s probably pretty uncomfortable. We share our top 6 tips to support your recovery and manage your injury at home until you can receive a full assessment by one of our qualified practitioners at CHH. read more