Canterbury Health Hub Privacy Policy

Canterbury Health Hub takes its obligations under the Victorian Health Records Act 2001, the Victorian Information Privacy Act 2000 and the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 seriously and would like to take all reasonable steps in order to comply and protect the privacy of the personal information that we hold. This policy sets out how we intend to do so.

Collection of Information

Canterbury Health Hub collects information from you so that we may properly assess, diagnose, treat and be proactive in your health care needs. All members of the clinic involved in your care will have access to your personal information.

This means we may use and disclose the information you provide in the following ways:

  • Disclosure to others involved in your health care, including treating doctors, pathology services, radiology services and other health professionals outside this practice. This may occur through referral to other health professionals, or for medical tests and in the reports or results returned to us following the referrals.
  • Administrative purposes in running our practice, including our professional indemnity insurance providers and quality assurance and accreditation bodies.
  • Billing purposes, including providing information to your health insurance fund, the Health Insurance Commission and other organisations responsible for the financial aspects of your care.
  • Sending you emails, e-flyers and clinic newsletters.
  • Conducting research projects, if you have previously given your consent for such research.

We’ve been providing quality care since 1998 and look forward to assisting you:

Fast & Effective Pain Relef
Highly Experienced Team
On-Site Parking
Instant HICAPS Health Funds Rebates