
Blog - shoulder pain

What is Adhesive Capsulitis or Frozen Shoulder?
3 February 2024

What is Adhesive Capsulitis or Frozen Shoulder?

Have you been experiencing shoulder pain lately? Do you feel like it has progressively become stiffer and you have noticed a restriction in range of motion? Then you may be suffering from Adhesive Capsulitis, otherwise known as ‘frozen shoulder’. read more

Shoulder Pain – How You Can Manage Your Injury
29 June 2023

Shoulder Pain – How You Can Manage Your Injury

Have you been experiencing shoulder pain? Do activities like lifting your arm up when putting on a top or reaching for something high up in the cupboard give you pain? Or is sleeping on your side causing pain and keeping you up at night? If you have experienced pain or discomfort in your shoulders, our experienced osteopaths at Canterbury Health Hub can help you. read more

7 tips for a more comfortable flight
9 October 2019

7 tips for a more comfortable flight

Short and long-haul flights can often wreak havoc on our bodies, particularly our backs and necks. This is largely due to a prolonged period in one posture. There are lots of ways to help you have a more comfortable flying experience. We share our 7 tips for a more comfortable flight with you below. read more

7 tips for desk workers to help reduce neck pain
31 July 2019

7 tips for desk workers to help reduce neck pain

Working at a desk for long hours throughout the day can be a common cause of neck pain. Desk workers who practice in a poor ergonomic environment may experience poor posture, excessive muscle tightness, stiff joints and horrible headaches. We share 7 simple tips that desk workers can do to help reduce their neck pain. read more

5 things you didn’t know about Osteopath, Jess Mason
22 July 2019

5 things you didn’t know about Osteopath, Jess Mason

Osteopath, Jess Mason shares 5 things that you didn’t know about her. read more

5 ways to improve a sore shoulder
2 June 2019

5 ways to improve a sore shoulder

Have you ever woken up with a sore shoulder and thought ‘how did that happen?’ Before you can make it in to see one of our Practitioners at CHH, you might like to do these 5 easy activities at home which could help ease the pain of your sore or injured shoulder. read more

Top 5 gardening injuries and simple solutions to prevent them
20 September 2018

Top 5 gardening injuries and simple solutions to prevent them

Spring has arrived, the weather is warming up, and that means many of us will be returning to the garden on the weekends. We are getting back into those jobs that we have put off throughout the winter, such as mowing the lawn, pruning trees and planting veggies. These activities do carry with them an unfortunate risk of injury to our bodies, particularly our muscles, ligaments and joints. In this blog, we will discuss the Top 5 gardening injuries we see at Canterbury Health Hub our 5 simple solutions to help prevent them. read more